What is it?
A conference led by PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Attendees are encouraged to give a short presentation on their research. The aim is to communicate to other young researchers in similar fields the current work that is being done in different directions across the country. The one day event, held in London will feature talks from external speakers as well as a conference dinner.
The event is funded by SEPnet under the supervision of Cristobel Soares.
If you are interested in attending please email joseph.aziz.2023@live.ac.uk to register.
When is it?
Where is it?
13th March 2024
International Student House, 1 Park Crescent, London, W1B 1SH
A great opportunity to present your work, keep
up to date with current research and connect with
industry partners.
Quantum Technology and Quantum Computing
The general theme of the conference is quantum technology and quantum computing. Whether you are a material scientist, electrical engineer, data scientist, quantum physicist, computer scientist, machine learning specialist etc. - if your work is related to quantum technology or could make use of quantum technology then we welcome you to attend.
Student Presentations
The bulk of the conference will consist of short presentations (~15 mins) given by PhD students and post doctoral researchers. The aim is to give an introduction to other young researchers to your direction of research. You do not need to have results to give a presentation!
Talks from Industry Leaders
The conference will also feature talks from industry leaders such as Marco Ghibaudi, the VP of Engineering at Riverlane as well as Chris Bishop, the host of the Quantum Tech Podcast.
Networking and Conference Dinner
Throughout the day there will be chances to network with other young researchers as well as the external speakers. The day will culminate in a conference dinner at which prizes will be announced for the best student presentations given through the day.